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OML’s Abrams Scholars, 2018-2019

October 18, 2018

Congratulations to our MANY amazing undergrads, several of whom were awarded Abrams Scholars Awards:

  • Carly: Designing a hind-limb unloading apparatus to mimic disuse following stroke
  • Marci: Effect of ischemic stroke on skeletal muscle structure and muscle-bone cellular crosstalk
  • Josh: Effects of tissue heterogeneity on vertebral bone mechanical properties
  • Maggie: Effect of Brachial Plexus Birth Injury on muscle structure and muscle-bone cellular crosstalk

And we got a new student!

  • Sara Chopra: Characterizing bone vascular environment post-stroke

**UPDATE, MAY 2019** We got a great photo of the group after doing their final presentations. Great job guys!


About the Abrams Scholars Program:

Abrams Scholars are outstanding BME undergraduate students who are selected to receive a stipend to conduct hands-on laboratory research projects. These projects are conceived and designed by the students with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The Abrams Scholar program honors C. Frank Abrams, Jr., a BME and BAE emeritus faculty member. Dr. Abrams led the development of the first courses in Biomedical Engineering at NC State and was instrumental in the founding of NC State’s BME Department, the creation of the joint UNC-CH/NC State graduate program, and ultimately the launch of the UNC-CH/NC State Joint BME Department. He was the Joint Department’s first senior design instructor as well as the first Director of Graduate Studies.

Maggie Awarded an OUR Grant

August 26, 2018

Congratulations to Maggie, who was awarded an OUR (Office of Undergraduate Research) grant. This grant contributes $1000 toward supplies for her project. Her proposal title is “The Effect of Brachial Plexus Birth Injury on Muscle Structure and Muscle-Bone Cellular Crosstalk”.

Maggie and Carly Present their research at the Summer OUR Symposium

July 31, 2018

Maggie and Carly recently presented their research at the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium at NC State.

Great job to both of you!

Maggie’s poster focused on her recent work with BPBI in rats: “Brachial Plexus Birth Injury Alters Muscle Composition”.

Carly presented on her work with Jon, “The Effects of Aging on Cellular Proliferation and Protein Signaling in a Bone-Muscle Crosstalk System in Rats”.

Maggie Presents her Research at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium (and wins an award!)

April 18, 2018

Maggie presented a poster on the rat forelimb unloading project that she and Sophie as working on at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium earlier today. She did a great job explaining the project’s motivation and initial results!

UPDATE: Maggie won an award for her poster! Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, named it one of the outstanding presentations at this year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium. See the award announcement here.

Abrams Scholar Winners

September 22, 2017

Congratulations to Carly, Sophie and Marci who all won the Abrams Scholar for 2017-2018!

About the Abrams Scholars Program:

Abrams Scholars are outstanding BME undergraduate students who are selected to receive a stipend to conduct hands-on laboratory research projects. These projects are conceived and designed by the students with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The Abrams Scholar program honors C. Frank Abrams, Jr., a BME and BAE emeritus faculty member. Dr. Abrams led the development of the first courses in Biomedical Engineering at NC State and was instrumental in the founding of NC State’s BME Department, the creation of the joint UNC-CH/NC State graduate program, and ultimatel,y the launch of the UNC-CH/NC State Joint BME Department. He was the Joint Department’s first senior design instructor as well as the first Director of Graduate Studies.

Welcome Marci – Abrams Scholar Winner

September 13, 2017

Marci is a sophomore who will be joining our lab as an Abrams Scholar for 2017-2018. Welcome Marci!

About the Abrams Scholars Program:

Abrams Scholars are outstanding BME undergraduate students who are selected to receive a stipend to conduct hands-on laboratory research projects. These projects are conceived and designed by the students with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The Abrams Scholar program honors C. Frank Abrams, Jr., a BME and BAE emeritus faculty member. Dr. Abrams led the development of the first courses in Biomedical Engineering at NC State and was instrumental in the founding of NC State’s BME Department, the creation of the joint UNC-CH/NC State graduate program, and ultimatel,y the launch of the UNC-CH/NC State Joint BME Department. He was the Joint Department’s first senior design instructor as well as the first Director of Graduate Studies.

Carly, Michael, and Sophie all awarded research grants

August 21, 2017

Carly, Michael, and Sophie were all three were awarded NC State Undergraduate Research Grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research for 2017-2018. Congratulations all, we’re honored to have you in our lab!

Elizabeth, Harsha, and Michael present posters at OUR Symposium

April 17, 2017

Elizabeth, Harsha, and Michael all presented on their research at the 26th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. Additionally, Elizabeth won an award for Top Presentation for her poster, titled “Validating Laser Doppler Flowmetry For In Vivo Longitudinal Measurements Of Bone Blood Perfusion”. We’re so lucky to have such amazing undergrads!

OML Represents at NCUR 2017

March 10, 2017

Four of our undergrads had abstracts accepted AND received travel awards to present at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at the University of Memphis in April!! Congrats, Elizabeth, Harsha, Michael, and Sophie!